"Dedicate your children to God and point them in the way that they should go, and the values they've learned from you will be with them for life."

Proverbs 22:6, TPT

The purpose of J-Town Children's Ministry is to support families and children into a growing, connecting and authentic relationship with Jesus. Through Spirit filled biblical truths, we desire to see children so moved by the power and presence of God that it sets the foundation for which they will build their lives. We are fully persuaded that if you culture an atmosphere where God's presence and glory are present, children will not only have an encounter with Holy Spirit, but a lifelong personal relationship with Jesus,

Laying the foundations for a lifelong personal relationship with Jesus.



9:00 am
1st - 5th grade
Prayer & Discipleship

10:00 am
Nursery - 5th grade
Check-in: 9:30 am

6:00 pm
5 years old and under
Check-in: 5:30 pm

7:00 pm
Nursery - 5th grade
Check-in: 6:30 pm


Nursery - Kinder

In our fun and exciting Jr classes, we provide ministry during all of our services for children between the ages of 6 weeks to Kindergarten.

Our rooms are staffed with wonderful J-Town team members just waiting to ensure that your child feels loved, encounters Jesus & has fun!

1st - 5th

In our ridiculously awesome service for elementary school children, our team will lead your kids through each aspect of our service continually pointing them to the nature and character of Jesus.

Our classes are loud, fun, engaging and relational, but most importantly we are intentional.

Annual Events

Every year we provide  great opportunities for kids to grow in God outside of our regular services. These include:
Summer Kids Camp
Preschool Fun Nights
Kids Revival Night
& more!
***watch for info on these events seasonally on J-Town Social Media Pages ***

Level Up - Kids Prayer & Discipleship

We believe the foundation in our growing relationship with God is based on the principle of prayer. Each
Sunday morning 9:00am , children are given an atmosphere to seek the face of God. We give time for personal
reflection & repentance, then come together to pray over individual requests, and for our communities,
schools, and our nation. We then lead into a time of discipleship on a focused topic.

Our Commitment.

It is our desire to serve the needs of you and your child as we would serve Christ. Our goal is to provide a safe and comfortable environment so that each child will feel happy and loved.
Our team has a passion to impart the Word of God in a fun, loving, inviting and exciting way with a concentrated effort to reach and change the lives of every child we encounter. Each week your children will engage in hands-on ministry with the Gospel presented and demonstrated through powerful worship, engaging teachings, object lessons, small groups,  games and so much more. We intentionally bring Jesus into every aspect of our service and purposefully set an atmosphere for His Presence. We are dedicated to teaching biblical truths and providing spiritual foundation necessary for all children to accept Christ. We understand the importance in partnering with you to help them encounter Holy Spirit, trust God's Word, understand their value in Christ and develop a personal relationship with Jesus.

The 4 Pillars of J-Town


To know their purpose and who God created and called them to be. To know they
are designed and loved by God, and they are His special treasure. They belong to Him!


To know all that Jesus is always with them, even in their struggles because
that’s His promise to them.


To know the Blood Covenant that Jesus made with them and
every benefit that belongs to them as His son or daughter. That the same power and
authority of Jesus lives on the inside of them when they accept Jesus as their savior and make
that exchange from sin to repentance. Nothing is impossible through Jesus!


To know they are equipped and ready to stand against darkness. To
operate in demonstration and power of the gospel to see our communities & families saved,
healed, set free, and to restore love and hope in those around them.


What should we bring?

Newborn - 2 yrs:
2-3 disposable diapers
Pacifier/security items
Complete change of clothes
Bottle of milk, formula, juice or water

2 yrs - 3 yrs:
Spare change of clothes

*please label all items with your child's name*

What if we lose something?

We provide a "bag tag" with your child's name on it at check-in.

Please make sure all personal items have been returned to you before leaving the premises.

*items not claimed after 1 month will be donated*

What is your health policy?

For the protection of all the children in our ministry, we cannot accept a child with these symptoms:
Runny nose
Fresh cold (4 days or less)
Any other signs of illness.

What is the check-in process?

Once you've registered at the check-in desk for J-Town, you will be provided an adhesive name tag to apply to your child's back. This will be accompanied by a matching tag for you to keep, and return for pick-up after service.

This tag MUST be presented at the time of pick-up. A child will not be released without presentation of the parent/guardians corresponding tag.

What is the snack policy?

Snacks are provided for the children in all of the J-Town Jr. classrooms.

***If your child has an allergy, please inform the leader when you check-in your child. It will be noted on their tag for the J-Town teachers.***

What is the pick-up process?

Please have your tag ready when you enter the waiting area for pick-up. A J-Town team member will ask for your tag to match it with your child's tag. If you lose your tag, you must return to the check-in desk to receive another one.

We take the safety and protection of your children seriously, and appreciate your undertstanding.


About Pastors Marc & Retta Gallimore

Marc & Retta Gallimore are the Children’s Pastors at Christ Fellowship Church. They have been
happily married for 24 years, have 3 grown children and 2 grand-babies . Marc is proud to be a
US Navy Veteran who was aboard the USS WASP and served in Desert Storm, Operation Restore Hope in
Somalia, and is a Shellback (crossed the Equator). He is also an entrepreneur and has 3 years of Bible
College, but most importantly he loves Jesus and the calling on his life to minister to everyone. Retta is a
4-year Kineo Ministry Training Center graduate, with another 3 years of Bible College through Destiny
Bible College and The Gate School of Ministry. She has a passion for teaching, writing, creating, and
planning as well as a desire for sharing His love to this young generation. They truly do believe they have
the BEST job on the planet! Having the honor of equipping this generation of Kingdom warriors to host
and love Him with all their hearts.


We are continually expanding and growing. Children of all ages need godly men and women with a
passion to be spiritual influences in their lives. If you love God, and love children, we would love to have you join our team. No experience required. We provide all your training. More information is at our J-Town check in desk titled “Serving Opportunities” or you may contact Children’s Pastors, Marc or Retta Gallimore by email marc@cfchurch.tv / retta@cfchurch.tv

Encounter - Students in Leadership

This ministry was developed and designed to equip and lead students from 6th–12th grade that have a
desire to serve in J-Town & J-Town Jr. We intentionally focus on leadership skills that cultivate a heart to
serve others in the house of the Lord.